Thursday, November 24, 2016


Ok so here we fucking go. There's no way this is really happening. I'll wake up tomorrow and Greg (not his real name) will be back from vacation and everything will be back to normal. Right?

I called Polly (not her real name). She's the closest friend I have that's basically a doctor. Also, who else could I tell? She asked if she should come over. I love her. No - I'm going to drown in the rest of this bottle of wine and go to sleep. Two hours ago I was sure I was going insane. Driving myself crazy for no reason, right? We've all had this type of scare, right? When your college boyfriend sits nervously outside your apartment bathroom with his face in his hands pretending the same damn thing. This. Isn't. Happening. But, then it's not happening. So, you go to the bar and take a celebratory shot and go back to your regularly scheduled programming. That's not just me. Almost everyone I know has gone through some form of that same story. So, that's what's happening now. This IUD is still in there - the doc will tell me that in the morning. Those stupid drug store test were wrong.

Back to sobbing into this bottle of wine. Maybe this writing will help.

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