Wednesday, November 23, 2016


When I discovered I was pregnant I began to write. Not because I intended on blogging or publishing, but because I needed an outlet. I knew deep within my heart that there could not possibly be a human on this planet that would understand what I was going through. For that single reason, I confided in myself. Through a Google doc. It became a vault where I could store my feelings away and don my mask for the rest of the world. It worked. For a while.

I recently read an article about a nameless girl in some mid-western state who walked into the woods behind her house and swallowed an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They found her, she lived. She left a note to her family divulging her truth. She wrote about the emptiness she felt while living in a guilt ridden state of loneliness. A secret kept that emptied her body and her life. A secret that almost killed her. At 8 weeks she found out she was pregnant. At 11, she terminated the pregnancy. She never told the father or her family. She was alone.

I wanted to squeeze her. I wanted to look into her face and tell her -- "me, too".

So, here it goes. I'm publishing what I wrote down before and after my abortion. These are the things that no one talks about. The shame and emptiness and guilt and regret. But also the elation and relief and hope. I hope you will find that you are not alone in your journey.

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